Sunday, February 12, 2012

sunday again

The weeks are just flying by.  First I have to comment on the movie "The Artist" that I saw yesterday with my husband.  When the movie ended some people where clapping while we sat there in stunned silence.  We couldn't believe what we had just seen.  It was so bad. I can't believe it got good reviews.  If it was just said to be a quirky little indie film I could have gone along with it but BESTPICTURE impossible! 
Books I finished the Sarah Graves book I talked about in the last post.  Like I said a light mystery.  I am now reading another mystery."A lesson in Secrets"  by Jacqueline Winspear.  This series takes place between WWI and WWII in Britian .  The main character is a female private detective Maisie Dobbs.  Again it is best to read these in order because the most interesting part of these novels for me is the stuff about her personel life. I first heard about these books from Laura Bush and her daughters when she said these were their favorites.  I like the English setting and a lot of tea drinking.
My knitting-  The "rocky coast cardigan"  is really coming along but not so much the "tea garden cardigan".I had finished the back and was starting the front when I began to think the sweater was coming out to short and I am going to have to rip out the back.  I really don't want to do this but in my heart I know I should because I won't like it otherwise.  It will be a cute sweater if I do it right and don't get lazy. Rocky
coast cardigan (above) is knitted in the round.  I have started the sleeves.  I hope to finish it soon so I may have a chance to wear it or I will have to bring it to Maine this summer.Peace


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