Saturday, January 11, 2014

Yarn From the Great White Bale
Yarn dyed at Sacco Dye-works Biddeford ME
This past year I participated in Clara Parks "The Great White Bale Adventure".  Clara Parks is a woman who knits and has written several famous books on knitting.  She also has a famous blog and newsletter which I will link to here,  About a year ago on her blog she advertised that she was buying a bale of yarn and was going to have it spun and dyed and you could sign up and take the adventure with her and I did.  It was supposed to last 6 months but with all the delays she ran into it lasted about 10 months.  The pictures above are of the yarn we received.  The yarn is beautiful and over the next couple of months I will make some things from it.  I just wish one delivery was enough to make a sweater.  This past summer I visited the Saco River Dye Works in Biddeford Maine.  It is helping to revive this mill town.  The most fascinating part of Clara's adventure was the difficulty she had finding places in the United States to spin and dye her bale. It really increased my resolve to try and buy most of my yarn locally-spun and dyed locally and from local yarn stores.

I have been doing a lot of knitting and the next post I will put in some pictures and talk about it.  I may be repeating my self but my goal for this year is to knit a sweater and one small project a month and read 100 books this year.  If  I put this in writing I am hoping it will spur me to keep this resolution-hold me accountable.  The weather in Arizona is great.  It has been in the low 40's overnight so I get to wear some of my sweaters,scarves.and mitts. Happy New Year!


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